Our garages are often seen as an extension of our homes, a space to park our cars, store bikes, and keep DIY tools and those out-of-season decorations. But just how secure are our garages?
A properly utilised garage can be a valuable asset, but it's important to remember that it can also be a target for thieves if not secured effectively.
Did you know that you could be storing thousands of pounds worth of goods in your garage?
According to research commissioned by us, average households are storing up to £10,000’s worth of items in their garages, but for many, their security protecting these valuables just isn’t up to scratch.
What do Brits keep in their garages?
According to a survey we ran, most homeowners keep DIY tools in their garage (60%). This was followed by gardening tools (58%), cars (41%) and bicycles (37%), and just general household ‘stuff’ (36%).
Decorations (17%) and gym and sports equipment (16%) were also popular options.
Three in every hundred people even admitted to storing other miscellaneous ‘valuables’ in their garage.

What’s the value of the stuff we store in our garages?
Beyond the sentimental value of items we keep there, our garages hold a surprising amount of financial worth too. Our survey estimated that, on average, the total value of items stored in the nation’s garages is £9,326 per household!
This value varied across age groups, with those aged 35-44 storing the most valuable items (average of £14,233), followed by 25–34-year-olds (£9,220) and those aged 55+ (£8,903).
When looking closer at individual cities across the UK, Liverpool residents store the most items of value in their garages (average of £13,690), followed by Leeds (£12,347) and Bristol (£12,134).
Are garage break-ins common?
Unfortunately, break-ins are happening more and more. According to the official latest data, while overall ‘home’ burglaries were down 5% year on year, burglaries from outbuildings (including garages) were up a staggering 110%!
The statistics show that most garage break-ins and thefts happen in winter months (October-January) when it’s dark and easier for a burglary to be concealed from view.
That said, in 2024 March and April were also high months, and there can be a peak in August too when people are on holiday and their homes are left unattended.

Aren’t the valuables in my garage covered by my home insurance?
Home and contents insurance is very important if you have a garage and valuable items within it, but it is worth being aware of what your policy cover is, and potentially ‘upping it’ if you have a lot of high-cost items in there.
According to MoneySupermarket, if your garage is attached to your home, it should be covered by your home insurance policy, and also your contents cover too.
However, if your garage is separate then it may not be covered by your policy, so it’s worth double checking and potentially adding an ‘outbuilding extension policy’. Garage break-ins also appear to happen more commonly in separate or unattached outbuildings, as you’re less likely to hear or see a theft attempt, so that’s a second reason to ensure your insurance coverage is appropriate.
MoneySupermarket also advise that the average garage theft claim was around £4,800 last year, while the average home contents insurance policy is around £84,000. Many insurers encourage you to name specific high value items such as bikes and tools, to ensure you get a replacement that is of a similar value or specification if a theft were to occur.
Are we doing enough to keep our garages secure?
With so many valuables hidden within, it is essential that we protect our belongings and properly secure our garages from thieves. But what security measures are UK homeowners taking?
The three most common security measures taken:
- Blinds/Curtains (35.5%) - People are less likely to take what they can't see
- Alarms (34.3%) - Provides an extra layer of deterrence.
- Up and Over Garage Doors (28.4%) - These doors have plenty of leverage points though, making them a thief's dream!
Just 14% said they had an electric garage door, while only 7% had a roller garage door – both options are studier and offer more security than a typical ‘up and over’ design.
How can you improve you garage door security?
Combining multiple measures is key. Without security measures in place, you leave your home and garage vulnerable to break-ins with potentially devastating consequences.
Because of this we have offered some key tips on how you can secure your garage and deter thieves with some simple changes:
- Invest in strong locks: A strong lock will make it harder for thieves to break into your garage. The longer it takes, the more likely it is for thieves to give up and move on.
- Use a monitored alarm system: A visible alarm system, again, will deter thieves. They are more likely to move on to less secure homes instead.
- Have well-lit entry points: A bright entry point will leave thieves vulnerable to being seen by passersby or neighbours, so this again can help to secure your garage further.
- Invest in a high-quality garage door: The garage door is often the weakest link in a home's security. Without properly securing it, thieves could access more than just your garage. Not all garage doors are created equal, for example, traditional up and over garage doors can be susceptible to forced entry techniques with a single central locking point, making them vulnerable if the mechanism is compromised.
Garolla's SafeGuard Plus system uses state-of-the-art technology to scan the closing movement. It detects cars, children, pets and any obstruction, swiftly reversing the door with industry-leading response times.
SafeGuard plus comes standard with our Transform, Transform Pro, Titan and Titan Shield Pack doors.

Key takeaways from our research
Our survey revealed that UK garages are underappreciated treasure troves, and also theft hotspots. From DIY equipment to bikes and decorations, these spaces hold a lot of valuable items that need protecting.
Upgrading your garage door security is a crucial step towards safeguarding your belongings. Modern roller garage doors offer a robust solution without compromising on a sleek and stylish design. When paired with safety features such as Safeguard Pro, your garage can become an impenetrable fortress for all of your valuable belongings.
Don't wait to secure your garage and its contents – book a free survey today to discuss your options and find the perfect Garolla door for your home!
About our research
- Garage burglary stats for England and Wales, up to September 2024, from: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/crimeinenglandandwales/yearendingseptember2024
- We partnered with the TLF (The Leadership Factor) in 2024 and surveyed 1,001 nationally representative respondents to gain valuable insights into what Brits are keeping in their garages and how they're protecting these precious belongings.